Anyone else out there getting tired of International Ghost Hunters' obsession with EVPs? It seems like their technique of choice lately. Whereas Jason and Grant's investigations used it at times, this team seems to always have their trusty mini recorders on and asking questions. The strangest aspect to this is that many of their investigations are in countries where the deceased they're trying to communicate with wouldn't know English!!! I find also that their EVPs are even more vague than usual and yet they think they're clearly saying what they want to hear in them.

Personally, I have always been very skeptical of EVPs. There are so many air waves carrying radio, TV, cell phone, and computer communications it would surprise me if a tape recorder left running didn't pick something up. The day an EVP has a voice speaking clearly in sentences relaying information very unique to the situation/question I'll be impressed.
Has anyone gotten an EVP that is clear, is more than a word or two and is specific to the situation? What do others think about this technique as a tool for investigating the paranormal?
Hey I think you might have something here my dear Watson. I know or should say with technology they can differentiate by frequency what they got instead of hey listen to this and the thoought someone might know whats up and play a trick with a CB or Ham Radio
Okay, I am officially getting ready to admit that on Ghost Hunters on the 4/16/08 they got a series of EVPs that blew me away. At the Mt. Washington Hotel & Resort in NH the team got several EVPs in "the Princess' room" that were clear understandable sentences and questions that were relevant to what was going on at the time. It sounded like a real person doing a voiceover. Unless it was a hoax, it is the first time I actually believe I was hearing a voice from a disembodied spirit. It was very impressive....
Yeah, I never thought about that!
heck you can even hear people in the back ground on your cell sometimes.
Good thinking!
I think they can be hard to figure out sometimes and even though I actually live in a haunted house I have only been able to get one clear one. So many other background noises can be interpreted as voices, it's really hard to tell. I am somtimes skeptical.
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